Permit allows Northern Dynasty to work in the area for the next 12 months, but it includes requirements for state inspections, as well as an unprecedented $2 million guarantee as back stop for exploration clean-up.
In addition to raising costs for miners and delaying certain projects, the focus on the amount of water used by the extraction industry in the region will boost social pressure and anti-mining sentiment, experts say.
While the company had other projects in the country, the Bayan Khundii gold project went from greenfield prospect to being its main asset in roughly nine months.
Deal will also see the two firms looking at jointly developing the nearby Pascua-Lama gold, silver and copper project and evaluating additional investment opportunities in the area.
In case you haven’t already noticed, inflation has been steadily creeping up since July. In February, the most recent month of available data, consumer prices advanced at their fastest pace in five years, hitting 2.7 percent year-over-year.