The Canadian government followed through on last month's budget promise to streamline environmental reviews of resource projects with a plan for "responsible resource development."
The International Monetary Fund increased its outlook for the world's economy on Tuesday, saying it expects global GDP to expand by 3.5 per cent this year.
South Boulder Mines Ltd (ASX:STB) is pleased to announce that the JORC/NI43-101 Compliant Mineral Resource Estimate for the flagship Colluli Potash Project now stands at 1.08 billion tonnes @ 18% KCl* for 194Mt of contained potash.
BHP's four largest projects – Olympic Dam, the Outer Harbour iron ore infrastructure project in Australia, expansion of its US shale gas operations and Jansen potash in Saskatchewan, Canada – require $120 billion in capex costs, but will only start to contribute to the bottom line by 2023.
Using the dismal science to make forecasts and taking risks with real money are two very different things. And the Brazilian giant is definitely putting its money where its mouth is.
More than one billion people watched the rescue of 33 Chilean miners from a collapsed mine in 2010. Today, one of them has decided to venture underground for the first time since the accident during a tour to a Saskatchewan potash mine.
Overall, only the stock indices of Spain and Portugal's top companies fared worse than Toronto's S&P/TSX-60. But in the group of resource-heavy exporting countries Canada's stock market came in stone last.