With the precious cargo slung over his shoulder, Vikram Singh strides through his field spreading the white granular stuff where it matters most.“I can't afford to waste any...I had to buy it on the black market,” says the 38-year-old farmer from Dostpur Mangroli village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
The takeover still requires the Canadian government's approval, and a competition review of Glencore's side deals to sell some assets to Agrium and Richardson International Limited will begin after Glencore's transaction closes, Agrium CEO Mike Wilson told the company's investors in Chicago.
Stocks of major fertilizer producers Mosaic and Potash Corp hit their lowest levels in almost two years on Monday, in what is considered yet another sign the commodity “supercycle” is gearing down as slower global growth cools demand.
Brazil Potash Corp. announced it has secured $58 million for potash exploration at the Amazon Basin project, where it plans to build a $3.5 billion to $4 billion mine.
There are "growing signs" that Outer Harbour will take precedence over BHP's massive Olympic Dam project and the greenfield Jansen potash venture in Canada.
In all $265 million will be doled out to senior management at Xstrata to stop them from jumping ship after a merger with Glencore. The two companies are also paying $200 million to their advisers to push the deal through.