South African mining charter challenge dents Ramaphosa plans
South African mining companies are challenging parts of a government charter aimed at redistributing the country’s mineral wealth, saying it will deter new investment in the industry.
The commission into the deaths at Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine in August 2012 concluded the plan to quell the massive protest was “defective,” and shouldn't have been executed as such.
The companies, which bargain collectively under the country’s Chamber of Mines, are already battling low metal prices and mounting electricity costs amid power outages.
Showing over 1,250 attempted transactions, this list includes both successful and failed attempts in order to visualize the ebb and flow of Chinese investments up until mid-2014.
It also plans to review the legal status of the joint venture, while it negotiates with Ivanhoe to raise its stake to 20% from the current 5% it holds.