April 28, 2012
Vale makes most bullish iron ore comments yet. $180 a tonne anyone?
“There is a new level of prices for iron ore globally,” Tito Martins, Vale CFO tells analysts in a conference call Friday.
April 28, 2012
“There is a new level of prices for iron ore globally,” Tito Martins, Vale CFO tells analysts in a conference call Friday.
April 27, 2012
The Australian reports on a potential clash of visions in the Tasmanian rainforest, where 10 new mines are proposed and 58 exploration licences active.
April 26, 2012
Vale, the second largest mining company, fell to the lowest in over six weeks today, after reporting its third consecutive drop in quarterly profit driven by declining iron-ore prices and…
April 25, 2012
A consortium of Indian firms is among 25 companies shortlisted to invest in new copper and gold deposits in Afghanistan.
April 25, 2012
Anglo-Australian diversified miner Rio Tinto announced today it has completed the formation of its joint venture with a group led by China's Chalco, subsidiary of state-owned aluminum giant Chinalco, to…
April 24, 2012
Planetary Resources took the wrapper off the new company that plans to mine asteroids, and the company has half a road map on how to get precious metals out of…
April 24, 2012
When planning an expansion at the largest open pit mine in Quebec, thinking big is important.
April 24, 2012
Google's billionaire co-founders Larry Page and Eric Schmidt and filmmaker James Cameron will officially announce today plans to mine asteroids. The company's presentation will be broadcast live today at 1:30…
April 24, 2012
Billionaire Australian Gina Rinehart, is taking Rio Tinto to court, demanding the world's third largest miner pay her 2.5% of the income streams from iron ore production at the Channar…
April 22, 2012
NunatsiqOnline profiles the engineering hurdle Baffinland Iron Ore Mines Corp. will face as it attempts to get iron ore from its inland Mary River iron ore site to ports on…
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