The world's number one miner, BHP Billiton, has delayed its $30 billion Olympic Dam copper-uranium expansion and said no major projects would be approved until June 2013 as it tries cutting costs.
Marius Kloppers, CEO of mining giant BHP Billiton, has decided to waive his annual bonus in light of a recent forecast in which BHP's revenues are projected to drop 38%
Given Chinese officials' penchant for painting rosy economic pictures, it is something of a big deal when a state-backed institution such as the China Iron and Steel Association makes such a bearish call.
Glasenberg’s determination to continue with the offer as originally planned comes amid growing signs that Xstrata is more confident of its position on a stand-alone basis.
The restart of iron ore mining in Karnataka amid multi-year low prices for the commodity is not seen to impact the global seaborne trade in the near-term.