$15 billion of investment in Labrador mining projects over the next decade may be jeopardized by the lack of energy sources unless alternatives, such as generating power from the Muskrat Falls, are put in place.
Space mining start-up Planetary Resources President, Chris Lewicki, made more than one eyebrow rise Wednesday as he wrote in his blog that there are about $16 trillion worth of platinum waiting to be extracted in our Earth’s oceans.
The European Commission said Wednesday it is delaying the deadline to emit a verdict on Glencore International PLC's $70 billion merger proposal with Xstrata (LON:XTA) after Glencore (LON:GLENA) made concessions to reduce EU concerns about too much potential concentration of interests in northern Europe.
An economic researcher from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says China must give up the breakneck growth rate it's maintained since the turn of the century
Rex Minerals (ASX:RXM) has released the prefeasibility study for its proposed copper project at Ardossan indicating that the mine would cost AUD$900 million to construct and generate $11 billion over its current mine life.