Vale faces investors lawsuit linked to Brumadinho dam burst
Nearly 25 asset management firms and some pension funds are seeking compensation for losses derived from Vale's plummeting share price since the disaster.
Iron ore sinks below $130 for the first time in 148 trading days and coking coal breaks long-held industry rule of thumb and dips below the iron ore price.
Stakeholders say public prosecution is the only way to make Batista accountable, as he has strong ties with influential politicians, including President Dilma Roussef.
China increased imports of iron ore 10% last year to 820m tonnes, but a bigger jump in stockpiles and a flood of new supply have pushed prices down 3% this year.
Your willingness to buy a stock should not be diminished by the fact that it has fallen in price. In everyday purchases, we want to buy things that are selling at discounts. In investing, people tend to prefer stocks when they are expensive and hate them when they are cheap.