Price volatility, geopolitical turmoil, rising costs, declining grades and a general lack of financing will make of 2015 another challenging year for the sector.
An environmental group is attempting to radically change the way mining projects are assessed with a court case involving Adani's controversial coal mining complex in Queensland.
The 56 year old who built Xstrata into one of the world’s biggest mining firms and then sold it to Glencore, is tipped to be on the verge of landing his first big fish.
Dozens of mines closed last year but another 175 million tonnes will have to drop out to neutralize 2015 output growth, which unlike copper is de-risked.
The report, based on responses from 108 buyers and decision-makers across 100 mines in 16 African countries, shows most plan to acquire equipment and maintenance services.
Quebec's highest court has refused to hear an appeal of a last year judgment that rejected a motion to dismiss the millionaire lawsuit against the miner's Iron Ore Co. of Canada (IOC).