January 5, 2017
INTERACTIVE: Mining emerges from slump
With only a couple of exceptions, metal and mineral prices rallied in 2016 – see at a glance how far the industry has come.
January 5, 2017
With only a couple of exceptions, metal and mineral prices rallied in 2016 – see at a glance how far the industry has come.
January 4, 2017
The Israeli billionaire, under house arrest since Dec. 19, has been at the centre of an international investigation into alleged bribery to win mining rights in Guinea.
January 3, 2017
The company plans to invest a $308 million (R$1 billion) this year to allow the iron ore mine reach a 26.5 million tonnes a year capacity.
January 1, 2017
The global mining industry rebounded from multi-year lows in 2016 – MINING.com's most popular posts of the year tell the story.
December 29, 2016
A Chinese court has sent a strong message to corporate executives who have been seeing playing fast and loose within the rules of boon-times capitalism in China.
December 22, 2016
But forward curve currently pricing 2017 at around $70 per tonne – around 25% higher than 2016’s year to date average.
December 22, 2016
Turnaround in GDP expansion in world's top commodity consumer over the past few months "almost as sharp as in 2009" says new study.
December 21, 2016
TABLE: China's copper demand grew 11-fold in 15 years – the rest of the world shrunk. Sans China, the nickel market would've barely broken a million tonnes.
December 21, 2016
“ Canada is looked to as a leader in mineral exploration and development,”
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