September 10, 2015
Big name investors are piling back into commodities
A few legendary influencers are making huge bets right now on commodities, an area that’s faced—and continues to face—some pretty strong headwinds.
September 10, 2015
A few legendary influencers are making huge bets right now on commodities, an area that’s faced—and continues to face—some pretty strong headwinds.
September 10, 2015
Roskill notes that in 2015, existing world demand for graphite in all batteries is estimated to total 125,000t.
September 9, 2015
Flinders Resources CEO and President Blair Way shares the four factors to consider when analyzing a graphite company. Warning: It is a very different proposition than investing in a gold…
September 3, 2015
The transformation of China’s economy away from manufacturing to downstream technology development is expected to drive significant new demand for the world’s flake graphite producers.
August 21, 2015
Today may be the end of this trend of divergence. US equities are at a precipice: fueled by low rates and quantitative easing for years, they have finally started to…
August 20, 2015
New techniques for tailings treatment and sulfide ore recovery will see low-cost environmentally friendly heap leaching take another giant leap forward.
August 11, 2015
Stock markets in Canada and the United States fell sharply on the news that China had allowed the yuan to drop 2%.
August 11, 2015
Simon Moores, managing director of London-based Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, and the firm's analyst, Andrew Miller, provide insight into minerals that they say need to shed their labels as traditional commodities…
August 5, 2015
It’s an issue that the Canadians for Tax Fairness and the Liberal Party of Canada appear to be hoping to make a federal election issue.
June 25, 2015
China’s output of spherical graphite has continued to go from strength to strength in Q2 2015 on the back of strong lithium ion battery demand from Asia.
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