Barkerville's stock price has tumbled 40% since Friday's high of $1.05. And Investors aren't the only group not convinced by the company's report, even the British Columbia Securities Commission has raised an incredulous eyebrow.
The Montreal-based company, down 21% following a dive of 17% on Wednesday, were deemed by investors to have overpromised and underdelivered on its exploration results.
Seven people were killed Thursday when a military plane chartered by Canada's Kinross Gold Corp. crashed during takeoff in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott, an army source told AFP.
It could either be a sign that gold has reached a top or it has further to run, Lego introduced a mining-themed set this spring focused on gold production.
In the Seinfeld episode “The Bizarro Jerry,” Elaine meets a group of people who are complete opposites of Jerry, George, Kramer. The show provides a rather striking similarity to today’s Bizarro financial market.