South Africa's total mineral production grew 4.2% in June but the negative trend in gold output continued its course with bullion output dropping 4% by volume.
With more investors realizing that safety of capital is the real reason to own gold, safe storage is more important than ever. Read more in this exclusive Gold Report interview.
It’s becoming clearer and clearer that there is a large blind spot in the minds of financial people regarding this probability. Only financial those who have been in the markets for 40+ years understand what can happen.
In this interview the CEO of Financial Sense News Hour, Jim Puplava, discusses whether we are moving into a phase of deflation or inflation and gives his views on what exactly that will mean to gold investors.
Gold is at a 120-year high (at least) relative to US house prices. Likewise, it is at a 74-year high relative to US wages, at multi-generation highs relative to wheat, coffee and cocoa and at the same price relative to the cost of a Yale education as in the first decade of the 20th century.
Mexico may not be breaking records at London’s Olympic Games, but back home it is scoring big. On Monday, the Mexican Chamber of Mining announced the country hit a new record in gold production in 2011.