The World Gold Council (WGC) published Thursday the anticipated conflict-free standard, which aims to restrict production of the yellow precious metal in places where it already fuels or may trigger conflicts and human rights violations.
It’s not just the ancient ruins that are deteriorating in Greece. With unemployment at 25% and youth unemployment more than 50%, the country’s very social fabric is at risk of unravelling, as austerity’s chokehold produces street clashes and clouds of tear gas.
Minera IRL (LON:IRL) confirmed Wednesday the approval of the environmental impact assessment and the granting of a development permit for the Don Nicolas gold project in Santa Cruz, Argentina.
Two former American real estate agents headed to the gold-rich West African jungles of Ghana to find a way to pays their debts, which exceeded $1 million.
New charts vividly illustrate the staggering ascent of precious metals during the period of catastrophic hyperinflation which brought Weimar Germany to its knees in the early 1920's.
China's percentage of international mining merger and acquisition deals nearly doubled during the first half of the year according to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).