Move over gold, diamonds may become one of the greatest safe-havens
The Singapore Diamond Investment Exchange (SDIX) has launched a new investment-grade, standardized diamond product to rival gold as a safe-haven asset.
Mining giant Rio Tinto (LSE:/NYSE:/ASX:RIO) has unveiled its inaugural set of jewelry made using diamonds from its Bunder mine project in India's Madhya Pradesh.
The boom in Zimbabwe ‘s diamond industry has not translated into improved living standards for ordinary citizens, as proceeds from gems’ sales benefit a few politically connected individuals and finance undercover security operations, reports.
Canada’s federal government opened a can of worms Wednesday after announcing that a national park, to be created in the North of the country, will be smaller to make room for mining endeavours.
Gertler, 38, used his relationship with DRC president Joseph Kabila and Kabila's now late adviser Augustin Katumba Mwanke to bag mining projects "by stripping from others if necessary, only to sell them on at great profit."
The Australian diamond company Lonrho Mining dazzled investors Tuesday as the company confirmed the finding of two huge diamonds from the Lulo project, in northeastern Angola.
Toronto-based jeweller Harry Winston Diamond, which is looking to become the sole owner of Rio Tinto’s Diavik Mine, in Canada's Northwest Territories, said the mine has another 11 years to go and a current net value of $2.6 billion.
Angola's state-run diamond company Endiama has partnered with six other firms in order to explore a mining concession in the regions of Lunda Norte and Sul.