February 13, 2015
VIDEO: drills turning at this Lundin-backed Canadian diamond explorer
“Textbook really.”
February 13, 2015
“Textbook really.”
February 13, 2015
The ten largest diamond mines in the world by measurable reserves contain more than one billion carats of recoverable diamonds.
February 9, 2015
The parties agreed to exchange information on polished diamond identification and grading, joint research toward new technologies for diamond cutting and polishing.
February 6, 2015
"We've seen a lot of people who were involved with the initial diamond rush in the early 90s come back to us."
February 6, 2015
If a junior mining company is in a dire enough situation, they may hit the “reset” button and rollback their stock.
February 5, 2015
Synthetics are coming.
February 4, 2015
The mining industry employed more than 380,000 people in 2013, accounting for one in every 47 jobs in Canada.
January 29, 2015
The miner also said it aims to increase sales by 1% percent in 2015, taking advantage of rising production and using offtake from its stock.
January 29, 2015
The technique, known as biomining, is already being tested here on Earth as a sustainable treatment of ores and mine waste.
January 29, 2015
The smart money is waiting for fire sale prices before jumping into metals and mining. Or worse; has simply lost interest in the sector.
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