Iconic mines, including Ekati and Diavik are now old, tired and running out of diamonds; they will likely both close soon. So far, operations that were designed to replace them aren’t faring well either.
Next step is obtaining necessary regulatory approvals to start bulk sampling at the South African project, which is expected during the second quarter of the year.
The diamond producer has inked deals with New Azilian and Equigold, following the delivery and de-risking of the Lesotho-based mine, which began commercial production in December.
The Diamond Producers Association, which represents mining companies like De Beers, Rio Tinto and Alrosa, welcomed the FTC insistence that companies distinguish between diamonds that are mined and those that are made in laboratories.
There is enough evidence to conclude that risk capital has found a new home, a BDO report shows. The question now is, how and where will junior miners find the capital needed to sustain their businesses?
Piotr Koper, who spent years hunting for the elusive train rumoured to be laden with gold and gems, has found two dozen priceless Renaissance portraits.