China's biggest copper producer has established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong in order to reduce the cost of financing raw material imports and future acquisitions.
There's no doubt the big story in mining in Manitoba these days is HudBay's Lalor project near Snow Lake. Weighing in at about $700 million, the zinc/copper/gold mine is shaking up the economic landscape in the region.
The heated legal battle between Anglo American and its Chilean adversary Codelco has finally come to an end as the parties announced Thursday that they've reached an agreement.
Gertler, 38, used his relationship with DRC president Joseph Kabila and Kabila's now late adviser Augustin Katumba Mwanke to bag mining projects "by stripping from others if necessary, only to sell them on at great profit."
The world's number one miner, BHP Billiton, has delayed its $30 billion Olympic Dam copper-uranium expansion and said no major projects would be approved until June 2013 as it tries cutting costs.
Mine reviews need clearly defined timelines, timelier reviews, reduced regulatory burdens and less duplication during assessment, said Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a tour of the Minto Mine in the Yukon on Tuesday.
Severance packages for management, early vesting options and cancelling contracts with Friedland-owned companies for aircraft rental and other office services quickly added up.