Imagine for a moment that you have a credit card with a limit of a few trillion dollars but with one caveat: you need to use those funds exclusively to provide for your family. It sounds easy, until you realize your “family” is 1.1 billion people...The Chinese government is in a similar position.
Despite setbacks in the global economy, sub-Saharan Africa is expected to grow at 4.8% in this year, broadly unchanged from the 4.9% growth rate registered in 2011 and largely on track, according to the World Bank’s latest report.
Even shareholders choking on $200 million of management bonuses, may have to okay the compensation if they want the deal to go ahead. But Xstrata may have other options beside Glencore.
Not very often you hear about a company moving from exploration into production, but Canadian Tirex Resources (CVE:TXX) is doing just that. The Vancouver-based firm announced Monday it has received official notification from Albania's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy (METE) relating to its applications to transition six areas from exploration licenses to 25 year mining permits.
Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. (TSX:PTQ) has rejected as inadequate an unsolicited, the latest takeover bid by Inmet Mining Corp. (TSX:IMN) presented Friday, which was 25% cent higher than the $112-million Inmet originally offered.