July 10, 2012
Patriot Coal goes bankrupt
Patriot Coal confirmed Monday what everyone already knew: the company is headed to bankruptcy, causing shares to implode in regular trading and continue to fall after hours.
July 10, 2012
Patriot Coal confirmed Monday what everyone already knew: the company is headed to bankruptcy, causing shares to implode in regular trading and continue to fall after hours.
July 9, 2012
The new wash plant at the Menzhinsky Coal Mine in Ukraine is proceeding on schedule with first coal expected to be processed in the current quarter.
July 9, 2012
Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting is pouring $26 million to local training in the face of an increasing opposition to the company's workforce plans to hire foreign workers.
July 9, 2012
New research released Monday indicates that listed mining and resources companies across the world are keen to comply with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which were…
July 9, 2012
Black lung disease, the common name for underground coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, is now linked to workers who take part in surface coal mining, according to an investigation by NPR News.
July 8, 2012
Australia's northern Queensland state plans to challenge the federal government's mining tax in the High Court, saying the tax unfairly discriminates against the resource-rich state, The Australian newspaper reported on…
July 8, 2012
An offset in the transportation bill that President Obama is signing today may have unintended consequences for mine cleanup efforts around the country.
July 7, 2012
Colombian coal workers voted on Saturday to strike over pay and working conditions at the 3-million-tonne-per-year La Jagua mine of Glencore's Prodeco unit, a union said. Colombia is the world's…
July 7, 2012
The BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance, or BMA, and coal worker unions agreed to framework July 6 that would end an 18-month dispute and potentially keep fourth-quarter benchmark metallurgical coal prices…
July 7, 2012
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on July 5 lowered its outlook on Walter Energy Inc. to negative from stable, citing continued pressure on metallurgical coal prices due to a slowdown…
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