Australian trade minister Craig Emerson has said Chinese demand will continue to give support to the country's mining boom despite declines in export prices.
Instead of the lauded $6 billion in mining invested forecasted for 2013 earlier this year, SNMPE says the country’s sector will attract about $4 billion.
Scientific American provides a detailed, hypothetical response to the question which has no doubt crossed the mind of anyone involved with the mining sector - how long before the Earth's bounty of resources runs out?
An alleged unit from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, blew up Tuesday heavy equipment at the Colombian coal mine Cerrejon, in the northern province of La Guajira, part owned by BHP Billiton.
Rising labor and construction costs as well as declines in commodities prices have cast doubt on AUD$100 billion in mining and energy projects in Australia.
A group of protestors from anti-coal group Quit Coal have staged a dramatic protest in the Australian city of Melbourne today, abseiling down the front of the state parliament building and chaining themselves to its pillars.
The Chinese government has announced it will shut hundreds of small mines this year in an effort to boost safety standards following a colliery accident in Sichuan province which has so far left 45 people dead.
Colombia’s energy and mining minister Federico Renjifo, who assumed the position on Thursday, said he is aware he’ll face difficult times as analysts are predicting a slowdown in demand for the country’s commodities in coming years, but he said he’ll make sure the sector remains competitive and attractive to foreign investors.