The world's biggest mining company has announced that it has embarked upon the search for a successor to Marius Kloppers as the South African approaches his sixth year as BHP's CEO.
The Royal Commission's report on New Zealand's Pike River disaster has castigated all parties involved for egregious oversights and failings occasioning what some commentators have referred to as a mining "horror story."
Two major unions of the Canadian province of British Columbia have applied to have the Federal Court overturn a decision to allow about 200 foreign workers work at HD Mining Ltd.’s planned Murray River underground coal mine near Tumbler Ridge.
Mining executives have given a clear indication that they plan to slash capital spending and reduce supply in order to improve shareholder returns at the expense of consumers.
The leader of the Australian Greens party say the incumbent Labor government should revise its original mining tax plan to lift revenue generated by the tax from AUD$9 billion to $26 billion over the next four years.
The head of the Australian Stock Exchange says the country should prepare for another mining boom in around a decade's time by providing exploratory tax concessions to resource juniors.