Trump challenge to mercury curbs seen boosting coal plants
Coal-fired power plants are the largest U.S. source of mercury, and the 2012 pollution-control requirements prompted a wave of closures of the facilities.
The issue of how to pay for mine reclamation is flying below the surface of the general public even though the matter is, literally, above ground and right before the eyes of the major coal-producing regions.
Major commodity-producing countries are set to remain under intense finance strain in 2016, which will increase the risk of social unrest, says Verisk Maplecroft.
Only 0.6% of private capital raised in 2015 for natural resource investment is for mining projects–one wind farm fund attracted more than the entire sector.
Eleven of the 28 deaths last year occurred at coal mines, a sector that has seen employment decrease significantly in recent years, especially in Appalachia.
The last time the weather event was present, it wrought havoc on the mining industry in Australia, with thermal and coking coal mines in Queensland hit by flooding from cyclones and heavy rain.