Coal demand to rise 2.6% in 2021 after record decline
Demand for thermal and metallurgical coal should rise to 7,432 million tonnes in 2021, from 7,243 million tonnes this year, according to the International Energy Agency.
Individuals from coal-depleted regions in Appalachia say politicians want to create jobs in mines but overlook the fact that coal is simply running out.
Under the new rule companies must restore streams, return mined areas to their original form as well as test and monitor streams near coal mines before, during and after drilling.
Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB has been named coordinator of the European consortium on Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems (SIMS). This mining industry initiative is funded by Horizon 2020, the biggest EU research and innovation program ever.
The goal, in Gates’ own words, is to build companies that will help “deliver the next generation of reliable, affordable, and emissions-free energy to the world.”