Commodities and markets up higher on Eurozone resolution

After sensing that Europe’s economic tailspin may have been halted, the markets and commodities opened higher.

The S&P/TSX Composite index was up 2%, and the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index was up 1.59%.

Spot gold was largely unchanged from yesterday’s price at $1725/oz.

Oil was up sharply. ICE North Sea Brent crude was up three percent to $112.23 a barrel, and the Dow Jones U.S. Oil & Gas Index was up 2.45%

Some major miners reported strong earnings over night. PotashCorp doubled its earnings and Teck reported a record quarter.

European leaders hammered out a deal late Tuesday to help solve the debt crisis, which had been creating uncertainty and weighing on the markets. Due to Greek’s high debt load, bond holders will be taking a hair cut of 50% on Greek debt, and lenders will be recapitalized to the tune of $1.4 trillion.