A recent journal article says that coal-fired power is harming the US economy more than it is helping it.
The article in the American Economic Review, titled “Environmental Accounting for Pollution in the United States Economy,” essentially states that coal plants are responsible for a quarter of gross external damages (GED) to the US economy, measured in terms of sickness and death caused by major pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
The authors say that the damage from coal plants is larger than the combined damage caused from crop production, livestock production, and construction of railways and bridges.
The study assessed the air pollution damage these industries cause, compared to the value they add to the economy.
Dan Oancea
There would be no economy without coal.
“Coal currently supplies 29.6% of primary energy and 41% of electricity generation. Coal use is forecast to rise over 50% to 2030, with developing countries responsible for 97% of this increase, primarily to meet electrification rates.” WCA
Rolando Espinoza
What is needed is to modernnize the power plants ( fluidezed lime burning beds chambers, gas scrubbers, electromagnetic filters, etc). Alternatives to high volume power generation would be nuclear plants, and everybody knows now after big Japan earthquake that are not safe or realiable.
Solar and wind generation can not solve the global energy requirement in the short term. India and China will increase coal firing by 50% in next 100 years. New, modern coal power plants are needed all around the world. Lets not waste time delaying convertions and new regulations.