CIA trying to kill Australian coal industry, says Palmer

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has been accused of involvement in coups and insurrections throughout history, but now an Australian mining tycoon is accusing the CIA of trying to sabotage the Australian coal industry.

Clive Palmer, who last week said he is mounting a High Court challenge against the government’s carbon tax, called a press conference today in Brisbane to say that the CIA is backing green groups trying to kill the industry. reported Palmer saying that “an off-shore political power” and the humanitarian organisation the Rockefeller Foundation were behind the attacks on mining, all in an effort to make US coal more competitive:

“You only have to look at the secret budget that was passed by Congress last year, bigger than our whole national economy,  that the CIA’s got to ensure that.

“You only have to read the reports to US Congress, where the CIA reported to the President (Obama), that their role was to ensure US competitive advantage and economic advantage.

“That’s how you know it was funded by the CIA.”

Palmer pointed to a leaked Greenpeace document canvassing the use of legal challenges and a video to fight coal mining that he said “could have been written in Langley” as evidence of green groups’ collaboration with the CIA – a charge hotly denied by John Hepburn, Greenpeace’s senior campaigner for Australia and the Pacific, according to the story.
