China’s bridge to Nowhere and Billiton is getting out’a Guinea:’s top stories last week had record high traffic last week; it could’ve been the weather or it could’ve been the excellent authorship.  Either way here the favourite stories from last week:

  1. Here is China’s Bridge to Nowhere. It also happens to be the world’s longest – On Tuesday the globe’s most active steel futures contract – Shanghai rebar – dropped to its lowest level this year dragging down iron ore with it, indicating that China’s construction boom may be coming to an end. Unique page views 5,229.
  2. BHP Billiton exits Guinea – Sunday Times reports that BHP Billiton, which is shedding its non-core operations, is looking for a buyer for its Mount Nimba iron ore project in Guinea. Unique page views 4,967.
  3. Mongolia’s new rulers may put world’s richest coal deposit beyond reach – The Democratic Party which campaigned on sharing more of the spoils of mining with Mongolian citizens won the majority of seats. Unique page views 2,795.
  4. Egyptian billionaire pays $492 million for La Mancha Resources – Naguib Sawiris,an Egyptian mobile phone entrepreneur, is paying $492 million for gold miner La Mancha Resources. Unique page views 2,561.
  5. Gold manipulation ‘next big scandal to break,’ ‘more scandalous than Libor’ – One of the UK’s leading broadsheets has castigated the manipulation of gold prices by key market players, saying that the issue could explode into a bigger scandal than the Libor controversy. Unique page views 2,329.
  6. World’s biggest open-pit mines – Whether it’s raising islands, splitting mountains or extracting resources; people are constantly changing the face of the planet.  Miners have made some of the largest holes in an effort to move ore to mills.  Unique page views 1,858.