Chile introduces employment program to encourage women in mining

The Chilean government has launched an innovative employment program that aims to allow more women to work within the mining industry. The program will be launched in the northern regions of Tarapaca, Atacama and Coquimbo to begin with and then spread to other regions later in the year.

The program is a joint effort between the Ministry of Labour and Social Prevention, the Ministry of Mining and Sence (Servicio Nacional de Capatacion y Empleo, the National Service of Capacity and Employment).

“Mining wages are higher than ones offered in other industries, so we want more women to take advantage of it. Women know they can do the same or better work than men do in any area,” said Minister of Labour and Social Provision, Evelyn Matthei to local newspaper El Mercurio.

Matthei added that the Chilean mining industry needs at least 50,000 new employees for projects within the next 10 years, so the new program aims to satisfy part of that demand.

The government’s female mining training program will involve the hiring, executing, organizing, supervising and inspection of the programs according to the region and mining companies needs. The program is estimated to benefit up to 2,000 women. There also will be some quotas for men in those positions where women do not want to work.

The application process will begin in March and requirements will be posted online for those interested in applying for these jobs.

To apply, candidates should go to Sence’s web site.