Checking in with Canada’s shadow resource critic spoke to MP Peter Julian last month, a likely candidate for the country’s next resource minister if the NDP were to form the next federal government.

Julian, the NDP’s Energy and Natural Resources Critic, says that some of the regulations his party has proposed will not hinder Canada’s resource industry.

“When you’ve got responsible mining companies advocating for certain projects, having a robust environmental assessment process is helpful for that company to gain the social license they need from the community and the region in which they are operating,” said Julian.

Last year Julian sponsored BILL C-323, which would allow foreign citizens the right to bring lawsuits in Canada’s courts against Canadian corporations working overseas.

In May the Premier Christy Clark and BC Liberals staged a come from behind upset. Asked about the surprising victory and what lessons it holds, Julian says the BC NDP simply did not turn out the vote.

“We have to deal with the issue of voter supression.

“We did not get the turn out of NDP supporters we hoped to get, and I think that is part of the organizing and planning we will have to put into the next federal election campaign.”