SafeSight 5G rescue platform concept wins mining innovation award
SafeSight’s proposal, to transform mine rescue underground by leveraging their mine rescue technology and 5G, was selected from 18 national competitors and four finalists.
The company’s first-quarter results Thursday showed China sales and demand slumping, even as other businesses including mining and construction improved.
They will develop a facility known for a process called high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL), with a potential mixed hydroxide precipitate production capacity of 120,000 tonnes of nickel content per year.
About 55% of mining executives surveyed are worried about their ability to manage a cyber threat with nearly 70% witnessing an increase in the number of disruptive attacks.
The rising demand for sustainably mined materials and stricter environmental legislation are pushing the need for more advanced technology for safe processing and storing of the tailings.
Upgrading from siloed paper bills of lading to electronic bills of lading on an interconnected platform is beneficial for both suppliers and customers, allowing shipment information to be viewed by all parties in real-time on the Waybridge platform.