Northern Vertex expands landholding at Moss mine in Arizona, shares upMoss is currently the largest pure gold and silver mine in Arizona.MINING.COM Staff Writer | June 23, 2021 | 9:16 am
IMDEX survey of drill rig use confirms exploration boomActivity in Canada is anticipated to be significantly higher in…Canadian Mining Journal Staff | June 22, 2021 | 12:55 pm
Azimut hits more high gold grades in Quebec, shares upThese new results further confirm the robustness and strong growth…MINING.COM Staff Writer | June 22, 2021 | 9:48 am
Implats restarts drilling at Sunday Lake following NAP deal Implats plans to drill 5,400 metres in four holes to test for high-grade platinum group metal mineralization. Jackson Chen | January 21, 2020 | 2:26 pm
Updated PEA improves B2Gold’s Gramalote economics The study projects a preproduction capex of $901 million for the open-pit project. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 21, 2020 | 12:32 pm
RJK to deploy new kimberlite identification technique The Canadian miner joined forces with Eagle Geosciences. MINING.COM Staff Writer | January 21, 2020 | 6:15 am
Canex expands Gold Range property in Arizona The Calgary-based miner is encouraged by results from a recent AMS. MINING.COM Staff Writer | January 21, 2020 | 6:15 am
Gran Colombia’s Marmato project to become stand-alone company Caldas Gold, the new miner’s name, will initially have the same executive team as the parent company, but the project team will be different. Cecilia Jamasmie | January 21, 2020 | 4:01 am
Sun Metals extends 421 zone at Stardust Drill highlights include 26.3 metres of 2.59% copper-equivalent. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 20, 2020 | 11:04 am
High-grade intercepts from GT Gold’s Saddle South Drill highlights include 53.7 metres of 10 g/t gold and 46.84 g/t silver. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 20, 2020 | 11:02 am
Rubicon infills Phoenix project The infill results appear to demonstrate continuity of the host rock and its associated mineralization. Canadian Mining Journal Staff | January 20, 2020 | 11:00 am
Alrosa starts drilling at flooded Mir pipe The miner wants to explore the possibility of reopening the pipe. MINING.COM Staff Writer | January 20, 2020 | 6:15 am