An unprecedented crackdown on corruption in India's mining industry, led by the Supreme Court and state-level agencies such as Karnataka's Lokayukta, coupled with rigorous enforcement of environmental norms is resulting in collateral damage to the economy, with plunging mining output leading to a fall in industrial production and GDP growth.
Canada-based Osum Oil Sands Corp. has entered into definitive agreements with a group of investors to issue, on a private placement basis, $500 million in equity securities. The financing was led by a...
Canada's energy and pipeline regulator has approved an application by Enbridge to build a $180 million pipeline to move oil out of the pipeline-constrained Bakken oil play.
After Chiquita told ForestEthics that it would quit using oil sands derived fuel to truck its bananas, the fruit company is assuring upset truckers that the company, while committed to going green, that will adopt a go slow approach.
The discovery of a massive new coal reserve in Xinjiang Uygur is hoped will help meet China's coal requirements, which are set to grow to 1 gigaton during the 12th 5-year plan.
The Japanese tsunami and subsequent Fukishima nuclear accident in March challenged uranium market sentiment. A retrospective of expert commentary on this still-promising sector from the Energy Report.
Tens of thousands of residents from Haimen, China, who protested the construction of a coal-fired power plant earlier this week, are now being arrested.
Virginia voters are split like an atom on the issue of uranium mining as 43 percent say mining should be allowed because of economic benefits while 41 percent are opposed because of environmental concerns, according to Quinnipiac University poll release today.