Disgraced Brazilian tycoon on trial for insider trading has signed development deals with a South Korean pharmaceutical company and a dog cloning scientist.
Angelos Damaskos, principal adviser of the Junior Oils Trust, admits that he finds the recent collapse in oil price a mystery. Nonetheless, he has no doubt that demand will compel higher prices in the medium and long term.
Alberta, which derives a quarter of its economy from the oil sands and other energy resources, is poised to grow at the slowest pace in five years as crude prices slump.
The move will cut the miner's output by 5 million tonnes — 2.5% of Australia's forecast 2014 thermal coal exports — and force about 8,000 workers to take a leave.
Mining companies today face a complexity of problems: spiraling costs, government intervention, deepening pits, lower ore grades, lack of community trust, and declining productivity are just some of the issues.
Patient and steadfast uranium investors were given an early Christmas present last week when the Japanese community of Satsumasendai announced approval of the restart of the Sendai nuclear power-plant, the first restart to be approved in Japan since the 2011 Fukushima disaster.