BHP to return $10.4 billion in buyback, special dividend bonanza
BHP had promised to return all of the net proceeds from the $10.8 billion sale of its U.S. shale business to shareholders when the deal was announced in July.
Uranium investors are being urged to exercise caution in the short term due to three events which could affect the prices of the nuclear fuel and the companies that mine it.
The planned cuts, about 21% of Murray’s workforce, will come largely at mines in Ohio and West Virginia, a state hit hard by recent coal mine closures and layoffs.
Researchers from QUT's Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACE) investigated more than 1000 joint ventures in the Australian mining industry to uncover why some succeed and others fail.
Although some US oil companies are struggling with low oil prices, a new wave of innovation is hitting the oil patch, allowing for a significant reduction in drilling costs.
The main objective of the legislation is to ensure that profits from those so-called “blood metals” — tungsten, tin, tantalum and gold — do not go to African warlords.
The firm created a new division in April to evaluate deals in those areas, and in the past six months has made mining infrastructure-related investments in the U.S. and Africa.