Education Top Stories

Curtin University to host Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mining Innovation Hub

Kal Hub initiatives include scaling up water management project and…

Canada ranked 4th, US 6th in lithium-ion battery supply chain

If the US were to increase its investment in raw…

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Bolivia seizes South American Silver’s assets

Bolivian President Evo Morales has nationalized the assets of Vancouver-based South American Silver, accusing the miner of causing a conflict that saw violence erupt among communities around the mining project it was developing there.

Mining companies committed to UN human rights principles: study

New research released Monday indicates that listed mining and resources companies across the world are keen to comply with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which were officially adopted one year ago, but must keep up the momentum in order to maintain public confidence in their efforts.

De Beers Canada releases 2011 year in review

De Beers Canada released its 2011 Year in Review, summarizing the company's performance in the areas of operations, finance, sustainability and contributions to Canada and the communities in which we operate. For the first time, it also includes the Snap Lake Socio-Economic Report, which details our commitments specific to the Northwest Territories.