BHP Billiton is today celebrating the 130 year anniversary of the incorporation of BHP and its significant contribution to the Australian economy and society for more than a century.
An analysis by Wood Mackenzie states that aluminum’s role in the green economy may be dampened by the industry’s steep road to secure low-carbon power.
According to the European Federation for Transport and Environment, weak CO2 standards give carmakers little incentive to increase the sales of electric cars until 2030.
Notice came as Beijing struggles to cool a surge in metal prices this year fuelled by a post-pandemic economic recovery, ample global liquidity and speculative buying that has dented manufacturers’ margins.
Ford, Nissan, LG and Samsung, Britishvolt and InoBat Auto are in talks with the British government or local authorities about locations for potential factories and financial support.
“We as Europeans want to diversify our imports away from producers like China because we want more sustainability, less environmental damage and we want transparency on raw materials.”