Base Metals

October 10, 2011

Tintina eyes copper mine in western Montana

The vice president of Canadian-based Tintina Resources, Inc. says the company is considering an underground mine to get at deep deposits of copper, silver and cobalt in western Montana.

October 7, 2011

Zambian miners strike Chinese-owned mines

Copper miners in Zambia are joining their counterparts in Indonesia in demanding a rise in pay. The Wall Street Journal reports hundreds of miners at Chinese company Sino Metals downed…

October 7, 2011

Investors dump Talvivarra after CEO resigns

Talvivarra Mining (LON:TALV) got massacred on the markets today on news that its CEO, Pekka Perä, has resigned. The London-listed Finnish base metal miner shed 55.83 pence to close at…

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