October 31, 2011
$1.3B African copper takeover threatened
The takeover of Anvil Mining (TSE:AVM), an African copper producer, by Chinese company Minmetals Resources Ltd, could be in jeopardy. Anvil warned on Monday that the $1.3 billion deal may…
October 31, 2011
The takeover of Anvil Mining (TSE:AVM), an African copper producer, by Chinese company Minmetals Resources Ltd, could be in jeopardy. Anvil warned on Monday that the $1.3 billion deal may…
October 31, 2011
THE Olympic Dam expansion must maximise benefits for every South Australian, Premier Jay Weatherill has told BHP's chief executive Marius Kloppers.
October 31, 2011
Canyon Copper Corp. ("Canyon Copper") (TSX-V: CNC) (OTCBB: CNYC) is pleased to announce that it has acquired three of the patented claims included in its New York Canyon Project.
October 30, 2011
Arabian American Development Co, announced over the weekend it has completed construction of the gold, silver and copper mine in Saudi-Arabia which it is developing with Saudi's Al-Kobra Mining Company…
October 30, 2011
Reuters reports unionised Chilean workers at Collahuasi, the world's third most productive copper mine, halted production on Saturday in a strike demanding a wage bonus, but were back at work…
October 30, 2011
A new minimally-invasive procedure that can safely and effectively treat brain aneurysms without open surgery by implanting an FDA-approved device consisting of a flexible braided mesh tube made of platinum…
October 30, 2011
Reuters reports Romania has launched the sale of its biggest copper mine Cupru Min SA Abrud via a tender, the government's industry privatisation office said on its website. The deadline…
October 30, 2011
BBC footage shows arrest being made in a campaign to crack down on dealers who buy stolen metal that has been launched by the Transport Police in Yorkshire, England. Copper…
October 29, 2011
Klondike Silver has been acquiring over 80% of the Sandon, BC silver camp over the past 20 years and its land position is now at 23,000Ha. Historical output from Sandon…
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