November 28, 2018
Surge acquires copper-gold mineral mountain property in Omineca mining division
The company stated that the region is host to numerous operating mines.
November 28, 2018
The company stated that the region is host to numerous operating mines.
November 28, 2018
Move allows major companies to lease to juniors all or part of assets they are not actively developing.
November 28, 2018
The combination of the 4,700-hectare Troilus Gold property with the 11,309-hectare Troilus North property will create a 16,000-hectare exploration property in Quebec's Frotet-Evans greenstone belt.
November 28, 2018
The Vancouver junior mobilized a second drill rig and commenced drilling at two targets of its Bujagali mine.
November 28, 2018
Move followed the dismissal of 49 workers and eight supervisors, union President Ronald Salcedo said.
November 27, 2018
Frontier mine is a cornerstone of ERG’s copper business and is situated on the DRC-Zambia border.
November 27, 2018
The deposit is believed to be the largest undeveloped tin resource outside of a producing camp in Peru.
November 27, 2018
The revised guidance is part of the company's ongoing progress in a number of low cost copper growth opportunities.
November 27, 2018
The project is the company's flagship mine and it comprises 231 claims covering 1,619 hectares.
November 27, 2018
It is already being called by some experts “the thickest high-grade copper intersection seen in years.”
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