Canadian Supreme Court rejects Yukon government’s appeal over mining law

In a victory for aboriginal land use rights, the Canadian Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the Yukon government over a Yukon appeal court’s decision on land staking.

The Supreme Court said on Thursday it won’t challenge the ruling which requires miners to consult with a First Nation before claiming land in the Ross River Dena territory.

Under the Quartz Mining Act, mining companies had been going through the Yukon government when registering land claims in the Ross River area, Financial Post reports. The Ross River Dena Council would only be consulted once further exploration activities began.

In 2012, a Yukon appellate court ruled that the Act violated the Canadian constitution.

Thursday’s decision puts a temporary freeze on registering mining claims in the region, CBC News reports.

According to the Supreme Court’s website, the appeal was dismissed with costs.

Creative Commons image by: Jamie McIntyre
