Liberal Party of Canada’s Justin Trudeau not opposed to pipelines

Environmental protection may be a core platform for Justin Trudeau, the perceived front-runner in the race to lead the Liberal Party of Canada, but he’s not opposed to oil pipelines from Alberta.

According to an article in The Globe and Mail, Trudeau said that considering a “west to east” pipeline is extremely important, as it could open up new markets and give new life to refineries, such as those in his hometown of Montreal.

He told a Calgary crowd that while he was in favour of a pan-Canadian energy strategy, he “won’t use the words national, energy or program” — referring to the reviled National Energy Program of his father, former prime minister Pierre Trudeau.

While he restated his opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline through British Columbia, Trudeau said he needs more details before he’ll endorse TransCanada Corp.’s (TSX, NYSE: TRP) proposed $5 billion pipeline plan. That project aims to bring Alberta’s oil to refineries in Quebec and New Brunswick.

Trudeau is one on nine candidates seeking to take over the Liberal party’s helm from interim leader Bob Rae. A new leader will be chosen April 14 in Ottawa.

(Image from Wikimedia Commons)