Canada’s Harper tells Americas summit mining has ‘vast power to change the way a nation lives’

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper sold the country’s mining industry to business executives at the Summit of the Americas on Saturday.

30 nations are gathering in the seaside town of Cartagena in Colombia where the war on drugs and Cuba’s inclusion in the club are high on the agenda, but the event has been marred by a bomb explosion and a prostitution scandal involving the US secret service. reports Harper has vowed to increase the country’s mining investment in Latin America adding “resource development has vast power to change the way a nation lives:”

Mining contributed $50 billion to the country’s GDP in 2011, he said, and provides “well paying” jobs for more than 300,000 Canadians.

Mining accounts for more than one-fifth of Canada’s exports and has close to $200 billion in assets throughout the world, he said.

Sixty per cent of the world’s exploration and mining companies are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

“In other words, in Canada, we know this industry well.

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