Canada accelerates zero-emissions passenger vehicle sales target to 2035

Electric cars in the fast lane. Stock image

This week, the Government of Canada announced it is setting a mandatory target for all new light-duty cars and passenger trucks sales to be zero-emission by 2035, accelerating Canada’s previous goal of 100% sales by 2040.

The announcement is coupled with existing measures to support increased zero-emission vehicle adoption – from incentives that help with the upfront costs of zero-emission vehicles, to investments in zero-emission charging infrastructure, to partnerships with auto manufacturers which are helping them re-tool and produce zero-emission vehicles in Canada.

“The news that Canada will move forward its target of ensuring all car sales are for zero-emission vehicles by 2035 is certainly a step in the right direction—and aligns the country with other leading jurisdictions like California and Quebec that also have 2035 deadlines,” Joanna Kyriazis, senior policy advisor at Clean Energy Canada said in a media statement.

“Implemented measures—as opposed to just targets—are vital. They’re the difference between good intentions and actual action,” she said.

Kyriazis also said that despite their popularity and the cost-savings of going gas-free, many Canadians are being left out.

“The solution is an electric vehicle standard, requiring automakers to sell an increasing percentage of EVs in the country. This policy is already helping put more electric vehicles on the road in B.C., Quebec, California and 11 other U.S. states, and China.

“We also know that getting more Canadians in EVs—from cars to buses—is critical to building out Canada’s fast-growing electric vehicle manufacturing sector. If we want to be leaders in building EVs and their batteries, we need to grow the market for them at home.”
