British Columbia First Nations turn up heat on Imperial Metals

Several First Nations groups spoke out on Wednesday in Vancouver against Imperial Metals (TSX: III) projects throughout British Columbia.

A spokesperson for the Neskonlith Secwepemc Nation claimed that in their territory and elsewhere, Imperial Metals “has not followed Canadian or international standards and legal obligations to obtain the free prior informed consent of the Indigenous peoples affected by its projects.”

One of the projects in question is Ruddock Creek, which is in the advanced stage of exploration.

The Ruddock Creek project is located in the headwaters of the Upper Adams River, which hosts one of the world’s largest sockeye salmon runs.

Earlier this month Imperial Metals released a statement outlining its commitment to healthy relations with indigenous groups in BC.

To read the full statement of the Neskonlith Secwepemc Nation, click here.


(Ruddock Creek project indicated in green)

Image credit: InfoMine Mapper


Sources: MiningWatch Canada; Imperial Metals