BHPB Ekati Mine Converts to Light Weight Cap Lamp

BHP Billiton’s Ekati Diamond Mine in northern Canada has converted their cap lamp fleet from lead-acid batteries to light weight lithium-ion batteries.  Key factors in choosing the ICCL for this conversion were:

– Lower maintenance costs.
– Safer, by eliminating sulphuric acid battery charging risks.
– Ergonomic benefit form light weight and hip hugging design.
– Compatible with PED Personal Receivers, which they have installed for mine wide emergency warning & general paging.
– ICCL can have an internal RFID Tag Circuit Board included for when tracking is introduced.
– The option to include add the two-way radio module to the ICCL to operate with their leaky feeder system is also available as required.

Ekati have a total of 250 ICCL’s equipped with PED Text Receiver.

More information on the ICCL can be seen at: