Bernanke will absolutely implement QE3: Lundin

Brian Lundin says Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke will “absolutely” implement a third round of quantitative easing.

In an interview with Kitco News Lundin, publisher of the “Gold News Letter” and organizer of the New Orleans Investment Conference, says that Bernanke will “absolutely” pursue QE3 as money printing is the intrinsic function of central bankers on a “cellular level.”

Lundin says that because the Federal Reserve sees no signs of inflation in the US economy it now believes it has free reign to engage in monetary expansion without adverse consequence.

According to Lundin QE3 could come as early as this year despite the Federal Reserve’s customary aversion to adopting significant policy measures during an election season.

On-going high employment will spur Bernanke into action, as will Mitt Romney’s announcement that he will not re-appointment Bernanke as central bank chairman.

Although Lundin is a strong supporter of Paul Ryan’s plan as “the only hope the US has for avoiding a fiscal nightmare or economic nightmare,” he says Obama’s re-election would come as a boon for precious metals investors due to the boost gold and silver would receive from the incumbent administration’s imprudent monetary policies.

Lundin has also been a long-term supporter of the restoration of the gold standard with Nixon’s unpegging of the dollar from gold serving as the initial impetus for his investment conference’s founding.

He remains skeptical, however, about the Republican’s intentions behind the establishment of a gold commission, citing the old adage that “if you really want to kill an issue then create a commission.”

Image courtesy of Kitco News via Youtube

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