BC overpaid by $21 million to settle uranium mine claim: NDP

The Opposition New Democratic Party is alleging the Liberal government of BC overpaid Boss Energy to abandon plans for a uranium mine near the Interior city of Kelowna.

Back in October Boss Energy received a $30 million settlement from the province to compensate the company for the undeveloped Blizzard uranium deposit. Boss Energy had a claim on the deposit but the government in 2008 announced it would ban uranium mining and exploration and would not be issuing any more permits; Boss Energy sued.

The $30 million payout was to represent the economic value of the deposit, but CBC reports the NDP has obtained an internal government evaluation suggesting a much lower payout of $8 million.

New Democrats are saying the government overpaid to cover up wrongdoing:

“British Columbians deserve to hear the Liberal government explain why they handed over an extra $21 million on the courthouse steps to avoid testifying in court,” NDP energy and mines critic John Horgan said in a statement.

Premier Christy Clark, however, defended the settlement amount, saying the deal was decided by the criminal justice branch of the government not by politicians, reported the CBC.

