Barrick installs three Weba transfer chutes at Chimiwungo

weba.jpgFollowing an order placed by Bateman Engineered Technology (BET) in 2011, bulk materials handling company Weba Chute Systems has delivered three transfer chutes to Barrick’s Chimiwungo Development Project (Chimiwungo is one of the two main Lumwana ore deposits along with Malundwe) in Zambia for installation in the raw materials handling section of the plant. Commissioning will take place at the end of the second quarter of 2012. All three chutes will operate on the same line, handling primary crushed ore up to 250 mm with a maximum lump size of 400 mm at an average throughput of 5,140 t/h. The first chute will transfer material from an 1,800 mm wide conveyor at 3.15 m/sec to a 1,350 mm outgoing conveyor at 5.5 m/sec. The second trifurcated chute will move material from here to either of two receiving belts at the same width and speed or bypass to a bin to cater for the feed conveyor coasting time during a power failure or emergency stop. (more…)