Frik Els , Editor

Frik has 20 years’ experience as a business journalist across a range of industries including automotive, technology and entertainment markets. Frik has an entry in Global Mining Observer’s Who’s Who of Mining 2018, and contributions to publications and conferences including Business Insider,, Mines & Money London and New York, Vancouver Resources Investment, Progressive Mine Forum in Toronto and Canadian Mining Symposium in London, UK. He’s been interviewed on CBC Radio and Korea State TV and quoted in the Financial Post.

Posts by Frik Els:

Simandou hearing delay hints at Vale-BSGR settlement

Work on half of the giant Simandou concession in Guinea has been halted amid a corruption probe, but the door to a settlement between the Western African nation, Brazil's Vale and Beny Steinmetz's mining arm may be in the offing.

SHORT SQUEEZE: Gold price spikes $40

A $40 swing in the gold price, wiping out an early morning jobs number sell-off shows short positions at four-month highs could be facing a big squeeze.

Turquoise Hill sinks 26%

The owner of the massive Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine in Mongolia is doubling its shares outstanding with a $2.4 billion rights offer.
Featured Post

Mining vs AI: What’s wrong with this picture?

As the saying from mid-19th century California goes, during a gold rush the easiest way to get rich is selling shovels and picks.